REMINDER: In the case of any weather related delays or cancellations (like Snow Days) the first notifications go out via the school app, website, and social media. Download the app and "allow push notifications" to be the first to know!
about 1 year ago, Michael Gill
over 1 year ago, Elmira Heights CSD
Cabaret on November 4 at TAE!
over 1 year ago, Elmira Heights CSD
Cabaret TAE  Music
Reminder: Friday is a Teacher's Conference Day. NO SCHOOL for students this Friday!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
conference day 10/20/23
It's Homecoming Weekend in The Heights! Spirit Week has been a great success, and the best is yet to come!! Tonight's events start off with the Pep Rally at 6PM in Oakridge Park where we will recognize all fall sports teams. Then it is SNAKE DANCE time!! High school students will form up at Oakridge Park at about 6:15pm and wind their way to the Heights Cinderella Softball Fields for the annual bonfire! Saturday the Spartan Football team faces off with Groton at Northop Field with kick-off at 1:30. Homecoming Court festivities happen at halftime of the game. Also on Saturday, the Homecoming Dance takes place from 6pm to 9pm at the TAE Gym. We look forward to a great weekend of festivities in the Orange and Blue!!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Spartan Head on the football field
TODAY Friday, October 6, 2023, we will be participating in the county-wide early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed from school 15 minutes early. Students will follow their normal dismissal procedure. However, please discuss with your child(ren) what their “emergency dismissal” would be if there was an actual emergency. The school has on file your child’s emergency dismissal procedure that was filled out and turned in at the beginning of the year.
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Early release day
REMINDER: On Friday, October 6, 2023, we will be participating in the county-wide early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed from school 15 minutes early. Students will follow their normal dismissal procedure. However, please discuss with your child(ren) what their “emergency dismissal” would be if there was an actual emergency. The school has on file your child’s emergency dismissal procedure that was filled out and turned in at the beginning of the year.
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Early Release Day
Early Release Day: On Friday, October 6, 2023, we will be participating in the county-wide early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed from school 15 minutes early. Students will follow their normal dismissal procedure. However, please discuss with your child(ren) what their “emergency dismissal” would be if there was an actual emergency. The school has on file your child’s emergency dismissal procedure that was filled out and turned in at the beginning of the year.
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Early Dismissal
Safety Drill conducted today, September 29, 2023: Earlier today we conducted a successful Lockdown Drill across all buildings in the District. This is a part of our regular safety efforts. This was ONLY a drill. We were very pleased with our students and staff's attention to the important nature of this drill. If you or your student have any questions or concerns please contact the Main Office of the school. Thank you again students and staff!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
School Safety Drill
Reminder: Traffic flow will continue to impacted by ongoing tree removal at TAE. Parking lot access and the flow of traffic will be impacted as the identified trees are removed. Please be careful as you drive through the TAE campus. Removal is currently focused around the Southeast corner of the TAE building nearest the District Office entrance.
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
TAE tree removal
Traffic flow through parking lots at TAE is currently impacted by tree removal. Please be careful when using the parking lots at TAE for the next week. Traffic patterns will be impacted. We will be attempting to keep the normal flow from being impacted during student arrival and at dismissal. Parking lot access may be limited during the course of the day from now until 9/22/2023 while we deal with our damaged and falling tree limb concerns. We are sorry for any inconvenience!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Tree removal at TAE 9/13/23
Tree Removal at TAE Wednesday Sept. 13, 2023 due to potential dangerous circumstances. Out of an abundance of caution we are having 7 trees taken down at the South end of the Thomas A. Edison HS building, near the District Office TOMORROW, Wednesday 9/13/2023. The traffic pattern heading South out of the parking lots will be adapted around this area at TAE. Over the past two weeks these trees have lost several large branches creating a safety concern. Having consulted with a tree agency it has been determined we need to immediately remove 7 trees which are in similar conditions to the one which has lost several large limbs. We are also engaging a tree expert to assess trees on both of our campuses as we know that many of them are older trees. While we do love the shade they offer, and how beautiful they can be, safety is our first priority.
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Tree with fallen limbs
It's the First Day of School in the HEIGHTS! DRIVE SAFE out there! Let's Reach New Heights in 23-24!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Back to School - drive safe
Spartan on wall at TAE
First Day of School is tomorrow! PLEASE drive safe, drive slowly (especially on our campuses), and watch for crosswalks. It is STATE LAW to stop for pedestrians on crosswalks - on ALL ROADS, off campus in our community too!!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Back to School drive safe
Want the best source for information on EHCSD schools? Get the App! From Snow Days to important calendar information, and everything in-between can be found on the Elmira Heights CSD Website and APP!! Want to get the news about school closures, the latest events, or the sports schedules? Get the app and ACCEPT push notifications. This is literally the FIRST place which you will get important notices on sent to you. Search 'Elmira Heights CSD' in your phone's app store and download the app. Select 'Allow" when prompted to initiate download to ensure you receive notifications Open the app, and navigate to the bottom menu and tap 'settings' Ensure your settings are turned on and your building selected Allow push notifications to be sent the most important information, including emergency messages, about our schools.
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
heights website app.
Attention TAE Class of 2027! Freshman Orientation is tomorrow, Tuesday September 5th from 6-7PM TAE Auditorium: This is for all parents and incoming Freshman. 1st Day Folders, schedules, chrome books, and general information will be shared along with a chance to meet your teachers and tour the building!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
welcome class of 2027!
WEDNESDAY Sept. 6 is our First Day for Heights students! Strat Times: Elementary 7:30 Drop-Off Begins (Tardy 7:45) Middle 7:45 Drop-Off Begins (Tardy 8:15) High School Drop-Off 7:40-8:00 (Tardy 8:10) We know traffic on the first day will be heavy on the Cohen Campus. Please do not rush, take your time driving on campus. We will not be strict on tardy for the first few days. Please DO NOT arrive too early. Arrival start times indicate when we will allow students into the schools. Check back on our school website for more details! See you soon!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
Elmira Heights Logo
Welcome our new Heights staff members to the Heights family! These folks are spending today getting oriented to their new work home, and they can't wait to work with our students and families! We are excited to have them as teammates assuring all our students Reach New Heights!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
new Heights Staff members first day!!  welcome to our Heights family!
The TAE stage is set for Graduation 2023! 7pm tonight. The Livestream link will be posted later today for those unable to attend.
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill
TAE stage set for the Class of 2023!
As we move to finish the 2022-2023 school year and turn to plans for the 2023-2024 school year we would like your input. This feedback is needed in part to satisfy requirements around New York State's commitment to finally come through with fully funding Foundation Aid for schools. We are asking for feedback on priority areas which our community sees for our students and our schools. If you would like to provide us feedback please click on the link at the bottom of this message and take the brief survey. We will use this data, along with referencing the data from other recent surveys, to help make final plans for the coming year. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Michael Gill